Saturday, February 19, 2011

The end (of round1)

The next x 12 bit

Sorry, I have not been feeling too well the last 3 or so days. That infection really seemed to knock me a bit flat. I have not been my pleasant self.  Mum and dad keep saying I am doing so well.  They must be lowering their standards, because normally they would not stand for such crabby behaviour.

I need to get Ramsay on speed dial.  His cooking competition in this establishment is going nowhere quickly.  I have completely gone off my food. In fact, I think I have been poisoned. They always say there is nothing like food poisoning to make you ill.  I have been getting sick far too often for my (or mum and dad's) liking.  We all end up playing dress up a few times a day. Clothes are not lasting long with my whoops's.