Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ctrl + Alt + Delete

The next x 29 bit

Bill Gates must be God, or a Doctor. 

I am not sure where the Windows like problem lies in the equation of blood and stage cancers. Is it that my body runs Windows, or is it the white coats who are researching the combinations of chemotherapy, who most likely studied at Microsoft, prescribe a number of poisonous cocktails, which in essence performs the Windows cure for when things stop working the way they should... Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

Bring on the day we can go to the General Practitioner and he says, "There's an App for that!"

So yet again I have been rather a busy little bee and not updated my blog with regularity.  Since the last update, I have managed a holiday at home which was fantastic! The weather was pretty good the whole time I was home, and I have developed somewhat of an obsession for jumping on the trampoline in the paddock. Yes, we have a paddock, but no horses.  Kayla loves horses. So do I, but I have not yet had much opportunity to ride them. I can make very good "neighing" noises when quizzed by big people who think I am little. Apparently it is cute.  It really is just my ploy of wrapping mum, dad and others around my little finger. I think I have said that before and I should probably stop my bragging as I will soon be found out.

The end of my last round was really tough for mum and dad.  We have been at this hotel for quite a long time now and over and above the strain of our stay the pressure of dealing with new hotel guests and their ordeals added such an emotional burden that both mum and dad had reached tipping point. 

The good news to come from mum and dad communicating their angst with the white coats, is that the white coats agreed to book a date to have my wiggleys removed on the 4th of July. This is quite a remarkable move, as the procedure is normally only booked 4 weeks after final checkout. Mum's primary motivation was for me to be able to use the waterslide at my second birthday/homecoming party on the 16th July. This too is quite an achievement as I was expected to celebrate my 2nd birthday in the hotel.  I have been lucky enough to have recovered on the shorter side of the timescales and should hopefully be checked out of the hotel after around 5 months rather than 6!

The next x 30 bit

Round 4 started with a bang. Well, more like a shock to my system.  Much the same as round 3. In fact, a carbon copy.  The initial hit of the very high dose completely floored me. I think I was awake for only an hour during the first day as I was running such a high fever and developed a very bad rash which lasted a lot longer than last time.  The thing with this round it seems, is once my body has accepted the chemo, I seem to handle it a lot better. 

Like mum and dad say, the days when I am on chemo, seem to fly by very quickly.  Strange as the saying is "time flies when you are having fun" and there is not much fun being hooked up to chemo for two four hourly transfusions of chemo a day.  It is just a pain trying to run around dragging your coat stand with sensitive drip sensors which beep if I run too fast.

Anyway, the good news is that I have recently finished my last dose of chemo. No more thank you very much!  As I type this, I am on day 9 of my round.  I am not even going to touch wood, but I have not even got sick!  In fact, yesterday and today my angels have been holding back some of the anti-sick and I am seemingly still doing well.

More good news is that the current dose of chemo does not have any effect on my hair re-growth. Within the last week really, I have developed a silver gold mat of soft baby goose-down hair on my head.  This is here for keeps thank goodness, even though I looked pretty cute as a baldy. Hopefully I will have more blonde goldielocks in the coming weeks. 

The bad news is that my bloods are nose diving at a rapid rate.  Yesterday I became nutropenic again, and I will more than likely start needing red and orange juice transfusions in the next few days. Hopefully I will be able to side step any serious infections along the way and with roughly 14 days to go,  I can have a leaving party with my friends here at the hotel.

As for the walk, it seems to be building up tremendous support. Please do spread the word, it will be such fun to see as many of you as possible.

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